A Membership in the Society is voluntary. A member of the Society can be any adult persons who accepts the Statute and the Work Programme of the Society on the basis of a completed and personally signed application form. Membership is open to all (no restriction on nationality, race and religion) who want to join this worthy endeavour. Membership is voluntary and offered to those who can attend meetings (video links) and vote in the Assembly, and for those who want to be involved at whatever level they can manage.
A member of the Society can be a regular or an honorary member.
A regular member of the Society is obliged to abide by the provisions of the Statute and other acts, to perform the tasks entrusted to him/her, without neglecting his/her obligations in the family, school, university or workplace.
An honorary member of the Society may be a person who is not a regular member, and whose activities and participation make a significant contribution to achieving the goals and objectives of the Society, when the suggestions of the Society President are adopted by the Society Assembly. An honorary member of the Society may attend all sessions organised by the Society and participate in the work of the Society in an advisory capacity, without the right to vote.
A member of the Society has the following rights and duties:
- engaging in activities that are organised by the Society;
- to vote and to be elected, as well as to directly participate in the work of the Society;
- execution of decisions of the Society's bodies;
- proposing new types of activities and improving the quality and content of the Society's work;
- affirmation of the work and activities of the Society with its exemplary behaviour in the Society and outside it.
Each regular and honorary member of the Society is entered in the list kept electronically in the MS Word table, where are entered: surname, name; date of birth, completed education level, mobile phone number and e-mail address.
A Membership in the Society ceases:
- with the member statement that he/she no longer wants to be a regular or honorary member of the Society,
- with exclusion from membership - when he/she violates the Society Statute, acts of the Society and relevant legal provisions; and
- when a regular or honorary member of the Society passes away.
Each member of the Society is responsible for his/her obligations to the Society that arose during their membership, and before the termination of the status of a Society member.