Annual Assembly
19. January 2025
The Annual Assembly of the Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor adopted the Report on Work and Financial Report for 2024, as well as the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2025.
ОUR JELOVAC promoted in Oslo
14. January 2025
The book OUR JELOVAC - ANTHOLOGY OF JELOVAC POETS was promoted in the International Press Centre Oslo, Norway. The audence was from Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia.
Seasonal Greetings
30. December 2024
Homeland Society sent a greeting to representatives of the Republika Srpska institutions, representatives of the City of Prijedor and the Municipality of Kozarska Dubica, as well as to all contributors, people of goodwill around the world, members of the Society, partners, supporters and associates on the occasion of the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays, with the wish that the New 2025 may be filled with a lot of optimism and enthusiasm, and good health!
ОUR JELOVAC book in Kozarska Dubica
05. December 2024
Homeland Society promoted a book OUR JELOVAC - ANTHOLOGY OF JELOVAC POETS in Kozarska Dubica Library with the participation of several poets, as well as the Women's Singing Group of the KUD Knešpolje from Knežica, which further enhanced the poetry evening with its singing.
Оur Jelovac Anthology Promoted
29. October 2024
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor promoted a book OUR JELOVAC - ANTHOLOGY OF JELOVAC POETS in the packed Reading Room of the "St. Cyril and Methodius" Library Prijedor with the participation of six poets and the Women's Singing Group of KUD Knešpolje from Knežica.
Subotica 2024 International Festival of Choirs
27. September 2024
Based on the invitation of the of the Republika Srpska Slovenes' Association Triglav, Banja Luka, one member of the Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor participated at the Subotica 2024 International Festival of Slovenian Choirs in the City Hall Ceremonial Room.
Book of Poetry Published
01. August 2024
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor published a book of poetry OUR JELOVAC - ANTHOLOGY OF JELOVAC POETS. Ten authors are from our village, and one each from neighboring villages (Jelovac Donji, Mlječanica, Poglepđevo and Crna Dolina). Promotion will soon follow in Gornji Jelovac, Prijedor and Kozarska Dubica.
Remembrance Day of the killed children in NDH
19. July 2024
The remembrance day of the children killed during the genocide against Serbs, Jews and Roma in the independent state of Croatia (NDH) was marked near the memorial ossuary in Macure. After that, the Homeland Society organized a working meeting with high-ranking guests with refreshments.
Dry Wild Cherry Bark аt Patrija
11. July 2024
The Homeland Society organized the traditional burning of dry wild cherry (prepared from the bark of wild cherry trees) at the Patrija plateau on the eve of St. Peter's Day. Adults and children joined the youths; and it was a special joy for over of thirteen children.
Anniversary of Kozara Breakthrough
30. June 2024
Prijedor SUBNOR marked 82nd Anniversary of Kozara Breakthrough on Patrija during Nazi-Ustasha Offensive on Kozara and Potkozarje. Wreaths were laid at Macure ossuary monument and at Kozara 1942 Breakthrough monument. In addition to others, our Society also participated. It organized the cooking of military beans and served beans to present persons.
Kotlićijada at Patrija Plateau
09. June 2024
Three teams from Gornji Jelovac (Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor, Restaurant Debeli 'lad and Auto-service Macura) participated at KOTLIĆIJADA (Cauldron Meats' Broth), where thirty-three teams showed their culinary skills. The Mrakovica Hunting Association - Patrija Section presented certificates of appreciation to all participants. Several traditional singing groups sang and danced in the traditional Kozara Kolo in front of hundreds of visitors.
Više stotina učesnika na Kotlićijadi u Gornjem Jelovcu
Traditional Mowing
08. June 2024
Homeland Society participated, at the invitation of KUD Knešpolje Knežica, in the traditional KOSIDBA event. Mowers Milorad Mićo Knežević, Dušan Aleksić, Miroslav Mićko Prodan, as well as president Radenko Petrić received certificates of appreciation.
Ceremonial Parade
30. May 2024
Homeland Society Patrija participated today in a ceremonial parade through the streets of the city on the occasion of the 32nd year of the city defense and the 82nd year of its liberation due to mayor's letter of invitation.
Pecija's Paths 2024
28. April 2024
Members of the Homeland Society, together with numerous participants from the region, took part in a 13 km long hiking march, starting from the Moštanica monastery, through Gradina and Palež (rest for a suitable recitation) and back.
Days of Violets - Held
13. April 2024
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor participated in a ceremony DAYS OF VIOLETS in Crna Dolina organized by the women association HERBA. Many useful information have been presented about different curative plants.
Book KRVOPAD promoted
21. March 2024
In cooperation with public libraries and Banski dvor Cultural Center, the Homeland Society promoted a book, written by Saša Dimitrijević from Niš. The promotions were held in Prijedor, Banja Luka, Mrakovica, Knežica, Kozarska Dubica, Klekovci and Gradiška. The book "Krvopad - Polar Pilgrimage" tells about forced internees from the territory of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia for forced labour in Nazi camps in Norway from 1942 to 1945, where more than half of the inmates were killed, 90% of whom were Serbs. Slavko Drča from Gornji Jelovac survived and returned from the camp in Central Norway.
Annual Assembly Held
21. January 2024
The Annual Assembly of the Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor adopted the Report on Work and Financial Report for 2023, as well as the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2024.
Patrija Living Memories Home - Concrete Slab on the Ground Floor
18. December 2023
Thanking to persons of good will from abroad and from our commune, City of Prijedor and Municipality of Kozarska Dubica, the concreting of the slab on the walled ground floor of Patrija Living Memories Home was completed today by Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor.
Partisan Breakthrough Road Fully Аsphalted
01. November 2023
The company "Prijedorputevi" asphalted the remained section of the regional road II order number 1508 (Partisan Breakthrough Road). The total length of the asphalted road is 5.300 m. This road is now connecting Gornji Jelovac and Međuvođe via Patrija and Mlječanica.
Оpening of Renovated Monument
13. October 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor, at the invitation of the City Committee of SUBNOR Prijedor, participated in a gathering in Kolarovа luka, where a renovated monument was opened. It is dedicated to 109 killed Serb civilians, who were executed in 1942 by the NDH Ustashas and German Nazis. Among the present residents, there were representatives of several authorities of the City of Prijedor, led by the mayor.
Remained Section of the Regional Road - Survey
28. September 2023
Experts from the Republika Srpska Roads carried out a detailed recording of the remained unasphalted section of the regional road II order number 1508 (Partisan Breakthrough Road) from Macursko raskršće to Trubarski kamen in a length of 2.100 meters. The estimate of the needed works are to be finalized next week and Mirosav Janković, executive director for technical affairs of the Republika Srpska Roads, will be informed about it.
Living Memories Home, Bricklaying
21. August 2023
Homeland Society members and sympathizers have started bricklaying on Patrija Living Memories Home (a multi-purpose facility). Thanks for contributions from people of good will (especially from the village), grants from the City of Prijedor and the municipality of Kozarska Dubica. This Home will be dedicated to all people of the village (ancestors, current residents and future generations), especially to those ones who gave their lives for the rights, peace and freedom!
Killed and murdered children in the independent state of Croatia - Remembrance Day
19. July 2023
The Remembrance Day of the killed and murdered children in the independent state of Croatia was commemorated at the Republic level near Macure monument ossuary. In cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons' Protection, the Homeland Society also actively participated.
Burning of Dry Wild Cherry Bark
11. July 2023
The Homeland Society organized the traditional bark burning (lilanje) at the Patrija plateau on the eve of St. Peter's Day (symbol: burning of all human sins). The dried wild chery bark was prepared from the bark of wild cherry trees. Adults, children and kids joined the youth, which was a special joy for the kids.
Evening of Literature
09. July 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor organized an EVENING OF LITERATURE. The novel "The Wind Has Not Stopped Yet", written Vasilije Karan, was presented, and the atmosphere was enhanced by a self-taught musician on tambourine, flute and mouth harmonica Dušan Dula Aleksić.
National Gathering on Patrija Hill
25. June 2023
Prijedor SUBNOR organized the national gathering on Patrija Hill on the occasion of 81st anniversary of Nazi-Ustasha Offensive on Kozara and Potkozarje, when activly participated our Homeland Society. Representatives from SUBNOR and the Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor laid wreaths for the martyred fighters and civilians, which were followed by appropriate speeches.
Mowing in Knežica
10. June 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor participated, at the invitation of KUD Knešpolje Knežica, in the traditional KOSIDBA event. Mowers Milorad Mićo Knežević, Milorad Vila, Dušan Dule Aleksić, Miroslav Mićko Prodan, as well as president Radenko Petrić received certificates of appreciation.
Traditional Kozara Songs & Kolo
04. June 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor organized a gathering at Patrija Hill with traditional Kozara Songs and Kolo, where several singing groups participated in front of the gathered people, who danced together traditional Kozara Kolo.
Ceremonial Parade in Prijedor
30. May 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor from Gornji Jelovac participated today in a ceremonial parade through the streets of the city on the occasion of the 31st year of the city defense and the 81st year of its liberation. The mayor sent the letter of invitation for this event.
Evening of Arts
29. April 2023
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor from Gornji Jelovac organized an EVENING OF ARTS for more than seventy attendees. The performers were: actress Mirela Predojević, writer Vasilije Karan, painters Nevenka Aleksić Aljetić and Milorad Vila, sculptor Milorad Vila, members of KUD Knešpolje from Knežica, and Dule Aleksić, musician on tambourine, flute and mouth harmonica.
Annual Assembly Held
22. January 2023
The Annual Assembly of the Homeland Society adopted the Report on Work and Financial Report for 2022, as well as the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2023.
Cermony at Patrija Plateau
28. September 2022
On the occassion of the completion of the Partisan Breakthrough Road section asphalting there was a ceremony. It was organised by Mr Slobodan Javor, the mayor of Prijedor with more than 150 people from Gornji Jelovac attending.
Partisan Breakthrough Road Аsphalted Additionally
22. September 2022
The company "Prijedorputevi" asphalted a new section of the Partisan Breakthrough Road on the day of St. Joachim and Anna. The total length of the asphalted road is now 3.200 meters. In order to connect with the asphalt road near Trubarci, it is necessary to pave a further 2.100 meters.
Church of the Holy Martyrs of Jasenovac in Međuvođe
03. September 2022
The church of the Holy Martyrs of Jasenovac in Međuvođe, Kozarska Dubica, is the first one in the Banja Luka diocese. It has been slowly getting its shape. During WW2 more than a quarter of the people from Gornji Jelovac who were killed and murdered, left their bones in the Jasenovac factory of death in the NDH (independent state of Croatia). SPCO (Serbian orthodox church muncipality) Knežica encourages your your donations to BAM account 5620100000184305 or foreign currency account IBAN BA395620108047299649, SWIFT RAZBBA22, NLB banka, Milana Tepića 4, 78000 Banja Luka.
Church of the Holy Martyrs of Jasenovac in Međuvođe
Killed and murdered children in the independent state of Croatia - Remembrance Day
19. July 2022
"The Remembrance Day of the killed and murdered children in the independent state of Croatia" was commemorated at the Republic level near Macure mass graves. A working lunch was organised by Homеland Society after the commemoration for several high-ranking guests.
Burning of Dry Wild Cherry Bark on Patrija
11. July 2022
The Homeland Society prepared and organized the traditional bark burning on the Eve of St. Peter's Day at the Patrija plateau. The dried bark was prepared from the bark of a wild cherry. The kids especially enjoyed the social gathering of children, youth and adults from the village and the surrounding area.
National Gathering Held on Patrija Hill
26. June 2022
Prijedor SUBNOR organized the national gathering on Patrija Hill on the occasion of 80th anniversary of Nazi-Ustasha Offensive on Kozara and Potkozarje. There were over a hundred guests present. After laying wreaths for the martyred fighters, civilians, and commemorative speeches, the Native Society organized a festive lunch.
Local School Ceased Function After 99 Years of Its Work
23. June 2022
The elementary school "escorted" its four final students. The representative of the Native Society presented letters of gratitude to students, teacher and religious teacher. The students were also gifted with appropriate packets. The first student of the joint school in Jelovac Donji was Rade (Stevo's) Bokan - back in 1923.
Concrete Foundation Slab of the Living Memories Home
17. June 2022
Today, laying of the concrete foundation slab of Patrija Living Memories Home was completed. We hope that the wider community will support the construction of this facility.
Annual Assembly Held
23. January 2022
The Annual Assembly adopted the Report on Work and Financial Report for 2021, as well as the Work Plan and Financial Plan for 2022.
Continuation of the Living Memories Home Construction
29 December 2021
The Republika Srpska Ministry of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons Protection has passed a decision approving the payment for the construction of concrete slab on the foundation of Patrija Living Memories Home.
Partisan Breakthrough Road Аsphalted Partly
31. August 2021
Аccording to the BiH Presidency Chairman Order by Mr. Milorad Dodik, dated 19 July 2021 in Macure, the company "Prijedorputevi" immediately started preparing the groundwork for asphalting a section of the Partisan Breakthrough Road. By the St. Jovan Rilski Day, about 1,800 meters of the road had been asphalted.
Response to the Homeland Society Invitation for Cooperation
31. July 2021
The response to the Homeland Society Invitation for cooperation resulted in the submission of several application forms and several remitted contributions to our bank account. Membership in the Homeland Society does not require paying a membership fee, but instead encourages financial contributions by those who wish to, and can make them.
Killed and murdered children in the Independent State of Croatia - Remembrance Day held
19. July 2021
Today, "Remembrance Day of the killed and murdered children in the Independent State of Croatia" was marked for the first time at the Republic level, at the mass grave in the hamlet of Macure. Many people gathered at this commemoration, and the sky seemingly appropriately 'cried' ('unexpected' heavy rain). Among others, there were present: Milorad Dodik, BiH Presidency chairman; RS Government ministers; RS Members of Parliament; mayors of cities and municipalities of Potkozarje; representatives of the Third Infantry /RS/ Regiment; RS Alliance of the National Liberation War Veterans; poet, writer and academic Mr. Matija Bećković; child-actress Biljana Čekić (aged 13); local priests; and representatives from other associations. Our Homeland Society actively participated in the preparation of this event.
Invitation of the Homeland Society for Cooperation
19. June 2021
Your and our Homeland Society has sent today an invitation letter for cooperation to available e-mail addresses and Viber-contacts. At the end of July 2021, we will publish information about those who responded.
Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor de jure founded
11. April 2021
Due to the fact that there has not been a single legal person in Jelovac for years that could be engaged in socially useful affairs, the Assembly was held today, at which Radenko Petrić has been elected president of the Society. The Society is registered in the Republika Srpska Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government of the and the First-instance Court in Prijedor. Our Society de facto has been existed since January 2019.
Meeting with the Mayor of Prijedor
11. February 2021
Today, Mayor of Prijedor, Dalibor Pavlović held a one-hour meeting with Radenko Petrić, Radomir Macura and Milan Stojanović. The conversation was related to the Partisan Breakthrough Road asphalting, the marking of "Remembrance Day of Killed and Murdered Children in the independent state of Croatia" and the continuation of the construction of a multi-purpose facility on Patrija Hill. The mayor was informed that Kozarska Dubica has almost completed the cadastral surveys, and it is expected that the Prijedor City will complete these works as soon as possible, for the purpose of contract concluding with the JP "Putevi Srpske".
Beginning of the Construction of the Living Memories Home
03. November 2020
With the important support of the Republika Srpska Ministry of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons Protection, by the Partisan Breakthrough Road - near the Breakthrough monument on Patrija Hill, the long-awaited construction of a multipurpose facility (Patrija Living Memories Home) has begun.
Killed and murdered children in the Independent State of Croatia - Decision on Remembrance Day
12. October 2020
The Committee of the Republika Srpska Government for Cherishing the Tradition of Liberation Wars introduced a decision today to mark " Remembrance Day of the killed and murdered children in the Independent State of Croatia" at the Republic level. These commemorations will be held each year in Gornji Jelovac, at the mass grave in the hamlet of Macura, on 19 July.
Second-order Regional Road
09. June 2020
Following the initiative for Partisan Breakthrough Road asphalting, the Republika Srpska Government passed a decision on the classification of public roads, which determined that from 17 June 2020 the local roads Međuvođe - Mlječanica and Mlječanica - Gornji Jelovac (Partisan Breakthrough Road) became a regional road of the second-order (R-II), with the registration number 1508 ("Republika Srpska Official Gazette", No. 55/20).
Gathering at Patrija Hill
04. August 2019
The organisers of the gathering at Patrija Hill (forty persons attended), Radenko Petrić, Dr. Stojan Stole Aleksić and Branislav Prodan hosted among others Pantelija Ćurguz, a former security counsellor to the Republika Srpska President; Saša Bursać, ŠG Prijedor director and Dr. Rajko Srdić. A group of the present persons and the Local Community Council signed an initiative to pave the Partisan Breakthrough Road. The initiative was handed over to Milenko Đaković, mayor of Prijedor; and forwarded as information to Milorad Dodik, a member of the BiH Presidency; Željka Cvijanović, Republika Srpska President; Dr. Radovan Višković, Prime Minister; Neđo Trninić, Minister of Transport and Communications; Duško Milunović, Minister of Labour, War Veterans and Disabled Persons Protection; and Dr. Radenko Reljić, mayor of Kozarska Dubica.
Idea to gather at Patrija Hill
02. January 2019
Stojan Stole Aleksić, Rajko Reljić and Mladen Prodan expressed their desire to meet in large numbers on our centuries-old guard - Patrija Hill. They expected to be joined by Prof. Dr Miodrag Zec, Dr Dušan Dule Aleksić and Colonel Milan Stojanović, for a meeting with the Prijedor Mayor Milenko Đaković regarding the possibility of the Partisan Breakthrough Road asphalting - from the Elementary school to the river Mlječanica. The Homeland Society Patrija Jelovac Prijedor was de facto founded on the same date.